More To The Story!!!!!

(Something cute)
(Something with guns! Or arrows!)
(Something scary)
(Something normal like looking at trees)
(Something childish like playing a game)
(Something motherly like feeding a child)
(Something romantic!)
(Something small and normal, no one will notice but it has a big part in the story)
(Something dark but beautiful)
(Something funny or happy…like tickling or laughing)

(Something normal) As I walked in the direction where Nathan went, I was kicking myself for being rude. Hadn’t mother always told us never to be rude? Even to your worst enemies? Then I stopped in my tracks, That was before she left me…before they both abandon us without even saying that they loved us, I continued my walk relaying that day…
(Something funny or happy) I had woken up with the feeling that something had changed but I threw away that idea and scampered down our old creaky stairs. Around those times we were living in a abandon old ware house close to the river… It had three rooms up stairs that we made into rooms. I had shared my room with Lilith at the time and always had to wake up in the middle of the night to take care of her and her nightmares. I had woken up fairly early that morning, earlier then I had normally woken up…
(Something small and normal)
I had heard the sound of yelling and had carefully creeped down the stairs, I wasn’t entirely used to the house and accidently stepped on a stair that creaked. It wasn’t that simple creaking noise that normal houses do because of settling…it was so loud and noisy that it rang threw the house…
(Something with guns! Or arrows!)
I bustled out of my flash back to a bullet ringing past my head. I swore and ducked my head, running to the nearest tree. “Drag nugget! Charlie get your head in the game!” I hear a voice yell.
They were coming from the left side of me. I duck and scamper through the bushes as I hear (who I guess is Charlie), “She’s heading to the trash pile!” I duck a few branches and see the light coming through the patch of trees, in a matter of seconds I was threw with those trees and…Flying? I was swooping in the air by my feet. They had trapped me…
(Something scary) The trap was a simple one…one for something like a rabbit or a small deer. I took my knife out and cut the ropes, sending me falling to the ground. The hunters had finally gotten through the trees and saw that I had escaped! Being who I am I ran the heck out of there and went to the, what they called trash pile, junk yard. I had done some reading in my fair and short life and for one knew that humans had once traded pieces of medal in for crap or money… people seemed to like old broken down cars and metal pieces and made junk yard after junk yard…they say sometimes that the old government had planted old devises in these places but to me it’s just a roomer,  
So I finally cleared the bald patch of clearing that surrounded the junkyard and literally dived threw a hood of a upside down car dodging Charlie’s bullets. I happened to somehow cut my hand really bad going through it and landed on my back in a sunny patch holding my bleeding hand to my chest getting my shirt soaked with blood...
(Something dark but beautiful)
I rolled over into another car that, thankfully, didn’t have any glass… I peeked at my cut and nearly fainted! It was a gash from the bottom of my thumb to the side of my hand! It was about an inch deep. I wrap it up as tightly as I could and slowly became drowsy. As I struggled to stay awake I saw Two men coming my way one. In one hand one of them had a knife, the other had a gun…as they approached me I was trying to squirm back into the car. Then I saw a blur, it had leaped onto the man with a gun and when he did that red stuff sprayed over me…I was barley awake and didn’t know what number was on the hood of this car! I tried to become awake but it seemed impossible! As I slowly drifted off I felt the warmth of the blur sweeping me off the ground…somehow this felt familiar…

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Having Fun With Fonts!

So today I have decided to write in a different font, this one seems more old and elegant but I don’t know about it… I don’t like reading cursive it’s to challenging… I want to just enjoy reading not have to always be alert, you can’t really let your mind go when reading cursive. Well at least I think so…
This one is too girly…it’s more like the writing your grandmother would send you or the front of a marriage card…it’s not me but who knows you people might like it…
This one I find quite amusing, it’s the font my sister uses for her blog, yes she hasn’t write in a while but she has more better stuff to do she says…
Whoa…this is weird… I kind of like it! It gives a goofy touch to the story! It’s simple yet thick…it would take up space but it would be kind of interesting!
To be truthful this is kind of my hand writing…well if it wasn’t cursive that is… I find it hard to read and don’t like it at allllllllll!!!!
This is my hand writing… like exactly mine…well besides the L’s, J’s, and Z’s….i like it and its simple and easy to read! It brings out the girlyness inside of me!
Whoa! Old westerly!!! Everything is in caps though….yes I’m not being blonde the caps key in not on…but this would be like a heading of a shop or an old western bar….something old….
Now we are back to chiller…really that’s what it’s called. Anyway I’m going to try and write something that goes with the font for the story…like if I went to this! A shoot out will start! Or if I went to This! Something romantic will start! Or if I went like This! Something childlike will happen!
So yeah! Enjoy what is going to happen in the next story! and I hope this wasn’t worthless!
(Something cute)
(Something with guns! Or arrows!)
(Something scary)
(Something normal like looking at trees)
(Something childish like playing a game)
(Something motherly like feeding a child)
(Something romantic!)
(Something small and normal, no one will notice but it has a big part in the story)
(Something dark but beautiful)
(Something funny or happy…like tickling or laughing)
Okay I think I got all of them so stay tuned! The story will come shortly!

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