The Hand In The Box Trick

ok now I have recently been blogging a lot but this I had to blog about.

The amazing hand in box trick, from a cardboard box you can scare your siblings and parents! trust me mama thought I was being sweet and was giving her something, but the funny part was her reaction! she screamed! Well to get to the object of me blogging:

this may look like a normal box but inside holds the secrete,

 inside is a hand, well your hand,

 in the bottom is a hole, big enough for your hand...

 but small enough so no one will notice,

 your hand should be stiff like and in the same shape if you do it again to someone,

 put a cloth around your hand covering up the hole,

 after it should look like this,

 put your hand over your other hand making it look like your holding the box with both hands,

 find a subject and make sure you holed the box low so they don't see your hand in the box,

 make them open the box and...

 lurch your hand up, made Gabriel laugh, and mama scream so tell me what your subjects do when you scare them. ok one more picture, its a hand to!

well people mama is supposed to be blogging but is wasting her time somewhere else so i am blogging so...
I must go bloggers bye!!!

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well looky there, two times in a day!

ok ok i had the craving for blogging here's the next part in the story:

Dear Lindy,

                                                                                July 3, 1900
Hello Lindy, Today there has been word that in Paris, a statue of George Washington was unveiled at the place d’lena, as a gift of the women of the United States to the people of France, I don’t know what to believe, father says That the British are planning an a expedition to Tibet, it will take four years for all the planning and preparation’s and traveling guides to take, well all that is truly complicated to me. I’m just glad I am not one of the adventurers, well tomorrow is the twin’s birth day so I have been trying to find a perfect present for them but I can’t decide between just  baking them cookies or making them hair ribbons with flowers printed on them. Well Lindy I am needed in the kitchen so by!

                                                                                                                      Your friend,
                                                                                                                                  Isabella Clifton. 

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another part of my book

 O.k  I know I have'int blogged in a while so here is the next part of the story I will try to finish it by the time the next year is over, well here it is:

Dear book

                                                          July 2, 1900
Turns out Jeremy stopped by the twins house for some flour for his mother (the twines father owns a store), while he was there he asked the twins is I liked the hair ribbon, they said I loved it, when they told me this I blushed. How do I know? They told me!  The said it at the same time, they said, “Isabella! You’re blushing!” and of cores it made me blush more! Little book I have decided to name you because I cant keep calling you book! So I have decided to call you lindy, so lindy I must go now but I will try to Wright back so bye lindy!

                                                                                                                   Your friend,
                                                                                                                               Isabella Clifton.
 Well I will leave you to your reading so bye!!!!

                                                                                                                                              A fellow blogger,

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House Sitting,

Well today we are going to be house sitting for my Aunt Jessica, the creator of mosquito creek farm, and for my cousin Abigail, who created bare foot tootsies, so ya while there out of town for three days we will be milking the goats and feeding the chickens and living in there house, so I guess I get to feel like Abigail for three days and Mama gets to feel like Aunt Jessica for three days ( with half the kids gone)! Well I better get of here and help clean the house so bye fellow bloggers!

                                                                                     just a funny picture before I leave :)

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More to the story!

Dear book

                                                                  July 2, 1900
I am by the creek right now and on the way to here I met Jeremy! I was also wearing the purple ribbon! He asked if I like the ribbon, and guess what I said! No you wont guess so I have to tell you, I said “yes I love it!” and he blushed a bright red!  I felt so stupid!  He looked down and said, I’m glad you do it was 50 cents” I look at him, “50 cents! Golly that’s a lot for a ribbon!” he looks at me, “well it was your birthday” I look down, “well thank you for it, it matches my hair” he says good day and leaves, well I think to myself, you really messed it up this time. Well I must go my feet are getting cold and I need to tell Hannah and Anna about my conversation with Jeremy so bye little book!

                                                                                                                            Your friend,
                                                                                                                                     Isabella Clifton. 

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Buttermilk fried chicken

 Buttermilk fried chicken,

Think about biting into a crispy nice ranch covered chicken piece, your drooling over the thought, well after mama screaming at me to get my nose out of a book  and make her chicken I have came up with this recipe to her taste.

Take a good size chicken breast, like this:
 And cut into strips:
 A good size chicken breast will have two or three good strips in it:
 Dip in buttermilk:
 Let it soak for a good fifteen minutes:
 Take out of pan:
 Dip in a flour mixture of flour, salt, onion powder, and garlic powder:
 Make sure you get both sides of it or one side is going to be more breaded:
 Put on a plate or dish:

  Mean while have your pan of oil heating up:
 Put your chicken inside the pan slowly, because if you drop it your going to get lots of little oil spots on your arms:
 It should look like this:

 When the chicken is done on one side it will have light brown edges:
 This is what it will look like:
 cook until golden brown on ether side, or use a meat thermometer and reach 360 degrees, 

 Put it on a plate with a side of ranch and enjoy!  

Buttermilk fried chicken.

1 or 2 good size chicken breast.
2 cups of flour
1 Tablespoon of salt
1 Tablespoon of onion powder
1 Tablespoon or garlic powder
1/2 of Black Pepper
2 cups of buttermilk

cooking instructions:

Thaw out your chicken breast and cut into 3 inch strips.
soak in buttermilk for a good fifteen minutes,
while your chicken is soaking, add salt, onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper and flour, in a large dish and whisk.Take chicken out of the buttermilk and put in flour mixture. bread both sides evenly and put on a large dish, fill a pan about four inches oil, put on high heat and bring to boil. put chicken in carefully and cook for fifteen minutes or until golden brown, tern over and cook for another fifteen minutes, take out of pan and using a meat thermometer, make sure the chicken is at 360 degrees, put on plate with a side of ranch and enjoy!

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kings island!

I have survived it! the diamond back, well I cant grab the name from my memorized trip but yes I have ridden on some scary rides today! (trust me i screamed like a baby on all of them!), but James ( my brother, who was a complete turd the whole time) was laughing at my face while I was ridding the roller-coasters! I mean how evil can you get when a brother is laughing at your face while your still getting over from the fact that you just turned completely upside down! and just went of this really high hill and your brother is over there with his hands up laughing! ugh! well besides that he was ok, the whole day there I was ether dreading another ride or sitting down because I chickened out on a ride ware half the time your upside down... ya well after all I have to do something besides sit here and blog so I wrote a story so here it is:

                                              A Diary                                 
                                        By ZoĆ« Havelszky

Dear book,

                                                                 July 1, 1900
Hello my name is bell short for Isabella, my mother gave me this book for my 14teenth birthday, which was yesterday and it was amazing!!! My mother had invited all of our neighbors to the house and she also invited Jeremy Stewarts! (He’s the boy I like) he gave me purple hair ribbon to tie my hair up, and my best friends (Anna and Hannah, they are twins) gave me a blue dress their mother had been making but she couldn’t come because she was to busy taking care of the baby. Gram and Grandpa send me a letter saying there wishes to me, and my older sister Caroline gave me purple dye leather shoes which was probably a bundle to get at the market this time of the year but I am glad she did, my younger brother, Charles, gave me a piece of wood that he carved into a bird out of his whittle knife, well mama is calling me to help he in the kitchen so by little book!    

I could have wrote more but mama is really calling me, well if you like the story tell me because I might keep posting more parts of the story as I wright it! well by fellow bloggers!

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happy fourth!!!

helooooooo everyone out there!!! happy fourth!!! (two days later!!) well i hope you all had a happy and hot fourth! i know i did!!!  well now I'm paying for it!!! my face is burnt!!! my!!But it was worth it!!! we played volleyball til the the sun went down, wen it was dark enough, we lite the fire works and did it glow!!! well i hope y'all s was the same!!! i must go so by!!!!


by ya'll!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

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lol!!!! i hate fire crackers

Yay!!!!! James is back!!!!!! not really a yay but hey! he's back to do his chores!!! well he had a lot of fun at camp with his go cart racing and paint ball tournaments and volleyball games i doubt he had time to think bout us til night. well i must go yell at dad to not light fire crackers in the house!!!11!!!!

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sorry!!!!!!!!! need to blog more!!!

I’m so sorry that I didn’t blog for a while there but I was really busy and I went to my cousin’s Thursday  and I was there tell Sunday afternoon, well my sister’s birthday is today! Ya you might think that it’s a blessing to have James (my older and so spoiled brother) gone to camp and my sisters birthday today. But that’s not so great in this family, cause in our family the birthday girl/boy doesn’t get to do any chores sept like feed their cat/dog/gold fish, y aim the only one without a pet, well now I’m the one with all the chores so…well Leila has all her gifts opened up, I think… Hint, Hint. Well I know this is sutch a short post but I will try to get some pictures in k? well I must go so by!!!

                                                     yes!!!!!!!!! it works!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                     pretty photo though. :);)

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memorial day!

Well as you know yesterday was Monday and also known as Memorial Day, we had a picnic at our church yesterday and played volleyball,  I can now say I burn, well if it wasn’t for the ton of sun screen that I put on I would be as red as a lobster, well besides that I’m pretty much board out of my mind right now…hmm…umm…well we (my sister and i) are aching right now, me and Leila are the only burnt people here,  (besides my dad),  well I must scream at someone right now so until later!

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Me and my week

O.k. to let you know I didn’t know about this (the haggy older sister website) until my mother surprised me Thursday night. She called me down from reading a book (one of the thousands I have) and said: “look at Laylas blog!” I leaned in to get a better look and mother switches the page to my blog. Mother didn’t see but my eyes went wide, I was truly speechless, I had been asking my mother for decades for a blog and one day out of no ware I get it, well … umm…uh… o.k. we’ve recently got a kitten for my sister Leila (she has forced me to Wright her name like that) and she has changed her name (the kittens of course) a thousand times, first it was molly, then holly, now it is I guess called Samantha. The kitten is so cute though! Even I think so,(I don’t like cats, but maybe kittens…)  if your sitting down and reading or watching a movie she will creep up to your  feet and pounce on them, just ask my mother, she’s a victim of it’s cuteness. Well… umm… that’s all I have to say, feel free to laugh at me in the comments! Until next time…

p.s. dear my sweet and happy sister, your annoying to!

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