Today I Am Going To Rant About A Stupid Cricket Under The Fridge

If anyone knows how to kill an annoying cricket under the fridge that would be extremely helpful, he has been driving me crazy for a week! Always at every moment chirping! Well it was nice after a few seconds of it; I got into the hang of walking by the fridge and screaming, “SHUT UP YOU STUPID BUG!!!!” all the while kicking the poor fridge. It seemed to work after about 30 seconds then the little devil went at it again! It’s been going on for weeks! I might not be able to contain my sanity! Laugh all you want you will never know the complete joy as my foot came crashing down on a cricket a few days ago! Turns out they have shifts and he was on a coffee break… now we have two crickets squawking under the fridge… I might be going insane!!!  Anyway besides the cricket I want to tell you a little story… so when I went to camp in June I decided to play paint ball for the first time, (prepare yourself this is a long one) so I get ready for my second game and one of the consolers bring out a machine gun! If you know me I got all hyped up and ready to use this lovely weapon! Little did I know I was never going to be able to use this wonderful thing. Anyway the guy shows me how to use it and I loved it! The baby in my hands was only going to be mine for only this game so I was sure I was going to ace this game! All the guys on the other team were in complete terror! I smirked and walked into that game like a boss! Then I made the mistake of following an idiot down to the ditch and I was trapped! Then I get hit…in the worst place possible, the rib. Painfully I raised my gun and tried walking forward to the nearest paint checker but the guy wouldn’t let up he kept shooting so I got hit in the knee I think and one in the chest, I slowly made my way up to the paint checker, I dropped my gun and headed to the nearest exit. One of my friends had gone out earlier and saw me in pain…she helped me with my gear and I took he shame shuttle to my tent and fixed my hair in daze/pain. So on competition day I met his sister Elaina, now I’ve seen Elaina in pictures and she was friends with my bro on Facebook so she was a familiar face. James calls me over and she says, “I know who hit you in paintball!” me being kinda mad about the situation was wondering who this person was because they where goanna get an ear full. “He’s my brother,” she says, and instantly I start looking around, “he’s right there wearing (she said the color of his shirt but I can’t remember)…” so I march over there and tap him on the shoulder, he turns around and, I guess the look on my face said it all, turned bright red. I don’t remember exactly how I said it but it was something along the lines of, “you know a paint ball in the rib kinda hurt.” Or something mean. I turn away and go back to Elaina and James, I told them what happened and I guess he came over and said, “Yeah I’m the one who shot you, but I thought you where a guy.” Well if you think it has ended well you are wrong!!! I’m scrolling threw FB and then I see a picture Elaina was tagged in and so was her bro!!! so after sending him a request, we now talk a lot and are friends… I may sometimes tease him about this but he knows its in the past….
Well I got to go! So bye!!!!

P.S. shout out to Mariah Cornett who is a cancer survivor!
You go girly!

Your weird and forever nerd,


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