More To The Story:)

More of the

 story cuz i am sooooo bord,

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Since Lily was just a baby she always had trouble sleeping, she wouldn’t fuse or anything but she would just lay there with her eyes open making shadows on the wall from the moonlight. She never threw a fit and she never screamed, I don’t know, maybe she’s just a quiet baby, but she never makes a peep. Until recently where she has been saying mama,lith and Jay.
After packing little dolls Lilith made and all the little toys I found for lily, I remembered the two knives and chocolate. “Hey Jason?” I call out for him, he had gone out to the bathroom. After a few more minutes I began to get worried and grabbed a knife and duct taped the door behind me. I walk in the shadows for about a minute before I found Jason in the arms of Johnathan and his companion Thomas, they had knives in each hand and looked like they were going to hurt him. Being the bigger sibling I was stronger and I knew how to fight. I slowly creep around them and walk slowly till I was about a foot away from Thomas, I quickly slam him down and put a knife in his back. Jason slams his foot into Johnathan’s knee cap while he was distracted from me stabbing Thomas giving me the chance to end his life with the slash of my blade.
Jason looks up at me in horror, “A-are they-.” He says shakily, “Yeah they are dead Jason.” He nods and wipes his nose on his dirty sleeve. First I loot Thomas and find a gold chain with a watch thingy on it, then I find a book. It as old and dusty and it looked like it as centuries old…like when this whole stupid thing started, it was called The Hunger Games. I hand it to Jason as he carefully looks in it, “What do you think it’s about?” he asks, flipping through the pages. “I don’t know do you want to read it with the rest of the family?” I ask him, finding three more of the books on him. “Yeah…” he says slowly, mystified by the books. I began to search Johnathan and found some pretty cool things, after checking his coat pocket and finding two pocket knives and a gold chocolate coin, I checked his bag he was carrying and found blankets that zipped around you and food packets that travelers use and tons of neat stuff. “Hey lets go back and pack up and leave before they’re buddies come round k?” I tell Jason, grabbing Johnathan’s coat and Thomas’s jacket. “Okay…Ewe! Why are you taking their coats?!” he replies, completely grossed out. “Well I need a coat and you need a jacket so why not?” I reply, trudging back home. “BECAUSE IT’S FROM A DEAD GUY!!!!!” he replies, throwing his hands up in the air. “The clothes you’re wearing now came from a dead guy.” I reply back, smiling. “EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!” he cries jumping around and freaking out. “I’m kidding! Gosh! I got them from a abandon clothes store!” I reply, laughing. He glares at me, “Meany.”
I chuckle and mess up his hair, “you’ll live.” He smiles and sneaks down an alleyway.

 We get to the box and quickly pack our things. Then, after taking a deep breath, I wake up Lilith. She bounces up smiling and happy as ever, “hey-ya sista! Morning is the time for play! Can I have play time now? Can I got to the bathroom? Ooh I want to wake up lily!!!!” she says bouncing around. I look at Jason, “You take her.” We both say at the same time. I laugh and pick up Lily, who as looking up at me confused. “Its okay Lily darling. Lilith is being hyper again.” She smiles and hugs me, “mama.”
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Awww isint that cute? well tell me what you think about the story... is it coming out okay? is it to much? please tell me in the comments below :)

your weird and totally unforgettable blogger,

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