Some more stuff about viewers and more too the story

Hey everybody!!!!!

So this morning I get on my blog to look at page views and I see that 2 people from the Netherlands have been  looking at my blog, I have eighteen people from Russia,  thirty nine people from America, and one from Canada.... I think I know who that person is.....(Hint that the person should comment -_-) anyway I'm vary thankful for you all looking at my blog...I have been working vary hard on this story so if you guys could comment that would be awesome!!! anyway I bet you all want me to post another part of the story so I'll shut up and start typing....

I'm sorry I couldn't resist posting this....little Danielle.

********************************************************I wake up in a weird looking box, I sit up and see lily sleeping peacefully by my side and Lilith is on the other side of me. I look around and see that we where in a little broken down house!

I sit up and look around the shack, there was a little stove thing in the middle of it and all the windows where smashed and broken, the door looked like it would fall down any minute and the fire place looked like it was abandon for thousands of years, I’m surprised that its still standing! I sneak out of the cot bed and opened the cabinets. And I see nothing…just dust and cobwebs. I walk to the door and slowly open it up. *creeeeeeeeeeaaaaaak* I nearly had a heart attack when I saw Jason pinned down by a boy that was about my age, he was trying to push him off him but gave up and tapped the ground. All of a sudden the boy gets off Jason and helps him up, relief fills me. But then I realize that Jason was wrestling with a strange boy…who could turn us in. “Jason!” I yell, his head snaps toward me. His face goes to sad-that-he-just-lost to Am-I-in-trouble? Oh yes he was….
yes yes I know its short but I'm still trying to get all of the kinks out,
 I would picture Jen like this...

 The small worn down house.

 Jen trying to find Jason 

that's all for now!!!!! byyyyy!!!!:)

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