Thank you all that where worried bout me

Hey Everyone!!!!!!

So today i have something tragic to tell you all...

I hurt my hand so I wont be blogging much this week but i managed to type up a few more letters and come up with chapter two of the story but before I post it i wanted to say thanks to the people who where concerned and worried about me, my hand is fine but just a little achy,I should be able to play piano and blog more real soon..(like a week maybe less!!!) so thank you all out know who you are :)

***CHAPTER 2***
You would think that after living in a box all your life and living on the streets cold and hungry that one might of looked for help, But that’s not how I roll.
You see after my parents ditched my siblings and me, so I decided I wasn’t going to trust anyone.
That’s why I was so determined to make the world forget we were even there. After packing up we waited till sunset reading The Hunger Games, it was interesting and it was like she was just like us. I mean besides being with Peta and all that nonsense, I mean who has the time and place for love?! I for one will never ever fall in love… as the sun was just half way from disappearing I gathered our stuff and put Lily in my sling I made for her across my chest and gathered my broken family to find a better home.
At first it was hard to stay in the shadows and we almost got caught by some patrol officers that where walking by but as the sun set we managed to get out of the city and into the country.
“Okay so we just got out of Kansas city now we should be in Blue Springs” I say, as my siblings sit down to rest. “I feel like we walked a hundred miles!!!!”Jason says, collapsing down on the grass. “Me too.” Says Lilith. Who looked a little pale and worn out, not like the usual Lilith. I sit down beside her and feel her head, “Are you feeling okay Lilith?” I ask, she shakes her head. “I’m all tired and achy mommy.” She says, closing her eyes. I look up at Jason in panic. “Jason I want you to run up the road and see if you can find some sort of shelter.” I say, holding Lilith’s head in my lap. “But Jen- .” “Do it now Jason!!!” I snap back as I look up at his worried face, “please Jason…” he nods, and takes off running to the bend in the road. I watch him till his torn tee-shirt wasn’t visible in the darkness. I turn my attention back to Lilith who was a little too warm.
I give Lilith an extra shirt of mine to rest her head on and tended to lily while keeping a close eye on Lilith.
After fifteen minutes, I had enough. I strapped lily in the sling and woke Lilith up. “Lilith sweetie…” I say, as I lightly shake her. After a few more shakes and me yelling in her ear she wakes up and begins to cry, making me about lose it seeing her shaking and sobbing. “Lilith I need your help.” I say after she calmed down, “Can you do something for me?” I say, as I feel lily moving her hands toward Lilith’s face. Lilith nods, “I need you to get on my back.” I continue as Lilith sits up and takes lily’s hands, “Are we going to the castle?” she says, not exactly in this world. “Yes and when we get there you will have to rest after a long voyage.” She nods, “I’ll do it mommy.” I turn around and let her climb on my back and I slowly walk to the bend Jason disappeared in, “It can’t get much worse than this.” I say to myself, walking along the dirt road. Then I hear the sound of god pointing out that it can, thunder. Then it starts to rain, I quickly cover lily up with one hand as I hold Lilith up on the other. Then it pours, I can’t see even see my feet through the thick rain. I stumble blindly in the rain feeling the road with my feet when I see a bright light. No no not the one you see before you die, I’m talking about a flash light. A rare one too I mean who can see in this type of weather! I cover my eyes as the light comes nearer, “p-please help me.” I say. Giving up to the stranger, then I just gave up. Lilith slid off my back and landed in the soft grass in the middle of the road and I fall to my knees then fall down on the ground…
That's all the time i have for today guys.....byyyyyyyyeeeee and take care!!!!! may your day be better then mine.
your friend and blogger,

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