Page Viewers

Hello again :) 

So today I want to talk about page viewers...

I have 343 page views in all but I also wanted to know where they were all coming from so after about a long our trying to search for viewers I saw Audience, I clicked on it and BAM I was there.

I am truly amazed at how many countries have visited my blog! Here is the list:


United States: 274

Germany: 25

Russia: 23

Canada: 11

Ukraine: 3

Poland: 2

Serbia: 2

United Kingdom: 1


Yes I was amazed... and maybe they accidentally clicked on my blog for some reason but if any of you awesome people that read my blog thanks :) I know I’m weird but I can’t be that weird...

Okay so I know that the story is a little weird and not for kids under thirteen but I’m going to post another part so let’s see how this one goes…..

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So after creeping along the shadows for about fifteen minutes I hear arguing,
Now it’s common to hear people screaming at each other because it’s a depression! We are going to be mad at something! Anyway I peek over a brick wall and see that the two men look to be in their late mid-forties and had on shabby clothing which I would find odd seeing that men who live that long need a medal of honor or something if they were weak but I don’t know. Anyway I got a snatch of the conversation as the wind blew my way, “there living between those houses Johnathan! I heard them giggling as I walked past! “Thomas…Thomas…Thomas.” Johnathan says, shaking his head. “If it makes you feel any better we will check out the ally way tonight to catch the so called middle “Children” while they are sleeping.” After that the wind blew towards them and their voices where gone but I stood there shocked… after pulling myself together, I sneak past they’re camp and race back home.
I open the flap of our home made door and see three darling little children fast asleep. I was the oldest and at fifteen I had tons of responsibility’s to take on in caring and protecting my family, Jason was ten and helped me when I was out “shopping” with Lilly, who is 11 months and walking around, she doesn’t give me or Jason trouble its Lilith we have to look after. She is three and extremely hard to contain in such small places and I thankful that she at least try’s to be quite. After letting them sleep for a few minutes I carefully shake Jason awake, “Jason…Jason!” I quietly whisper. He snaps awake and looks round worried, “W-what’s wrong Jenny?!” he whisper/screams. I feel the tears threating to bubble over, “S-someone found us Jason.” I tell him the conversation between the two men. Jason puts his palm to his head, “that was Lilith, she couldn’t settle down.”
I nod understanding how impossible Lilith can be. “But we need to get out of here by sunset or we risk camps and the governor placing us away from each other.” He nods sadly and looks down, in the noon light I could see him trying not to cry in front of me. I scoot closer and hug him, “hey…I know this is hard but we can do it,” I feel him nod against my shoulder. “And it will be just like house hunting except it won’t be in this state.” He looks up, “wait what?!” “We have to get out of the country Jason, they will be looking for us!” I say, placing my backpack full of stuff down on the floor.
He nods. “Should I wake Lilith?” he says just as I take a drink of water. I start choking and almost spit it out, “are you crazy?! No!!” I say, not getting Jason’s playful face. I glare at him when I finally get his joke, “ha ha vary funny.” I say rolling my eyes. He grins and turns to pack up our stuff.
When most people think of a cardboard box they think of a small packing box well our box was like one except it was HUGE! Jason could stand up in it and he could lay across and still not be smashed and uncomfortable. The box idea for a home was Lilith’s idea, she didn’t like our last home which was an old tree house Jason picked out when he was eight, as soon as winter came we were out of that thing and trying to find a new place, the box was cozy and I was a little sad that I was leaving it behind. After skinning the fish and cleaning the rabbits I put all the meat in a container that Jason found when we moved here. I packed our water bottles that we all individually marked, Lilith’s had little smiley faces on hers, Jason’s had pirates and knifes on his and mine was just shaded purple.
mama just came down stairs so i have to go so until we meet again! :)


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