School Project

Yes I Know...

more school stuff but i am so busy with this stuff and i really needed to get finished with my school so for the next few months you might just be getting boring essays,
okay so here is my Summer Essay....

My Summer Essay,

I asked Mama what I had to write about and she said, “I don’t know pick something that inspired you this summer.’ Well that’s what I heard...
So now I bring you my most inspiring summer of 2013.
Around January the beginning of the year Mama signed me and my brother James up for Still Waters Camp. We where put on the waiting list… down the road James got in first and the two months later I did. I guess you could say I was in shock, it took me a few seconds to let it sink in then I was extremely happy and leaping around in joy!
Around the first of June Mama and me went shopping for clothes for camp, you had to wear ankle long skirts and decent shirts that where modest, around the second week into June we went shopping with mama again to get shoes and clothes for my brother. Then the day before we where to go came, I was soooo excited that I didn't get to sleep till four! An hour later Mama wakes me up so we could drive to Indiana to go to camp, I was so tired that I didn't even know that I had gotten dressed! After saying our good byes we set off to first drive our dad to work then to drive four hours to Indiana for camp!!! To tell you the truth I was so nervous that I didn't eat anything except a strawberry pie at McDonald's  I was scared that I would be the loner and I wouldn't make any friends. Then after going threw some curvy roads we saw the sign! It said, (Welcome to still waters!) there was a row of cars waiting for people and a camera man taking pictures of us. We drive threw some turns around the lake we would be staying at, and then we were guided across a grassy place and parked next to other cars. After mama did our hair we hugged and kissed her goodbye and started walking to the signing up stand.
After standing in a line for about ten minutes we got signed up and directed to the shuttles…. The boys and girls where split up so I was on my own so I hopped up on the shuttle and sat there as girls where hugging and laughing… five minutes later we where getting off and directed to our cabin, The first girl I met there was charity, she was probably one of the funniest girls I have ever met. Then I met Ashlea, she had four containers’ of Pringles!
Then I met a few other girls that I can’t really figure the names out yet seeing I’m retarded when it comes to remembering things.
Then sierra and her sister and me hoped on one of the shuttles and started out for lunch.
The next few days where one of the most awesomest (it’s a word people! Because I say it is!) Few days, I got a 12 in archery. A 25 in guns both times, a 32.278 in go carts and failed to be on the blob. I miss camp and I can’t wait till next year…maybe I will finally get over my fear of heights….or maybe not…its all what god has in store for me.
Your weird blogger girl,

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