
Hi Everybody!

Yes today I am writing in Spanish,
The translation will be in my next post will be in like a few minutes,
Okay so today I want ya’ll to know that I finally went to camp! Yes it was amazing and I totally hope everybody gets a chance to go.
I made more friends in a matter of minutes then I did my whole life!!! It was awesome and it felt like I wasn't just that skirt girl that everybody stared at.
I felt like I belonged there….
The food was awesome and the games where fun and the most part I enjoyed about going there was that I was closer to god.
I would like to blog more but I've been so busy lately!!! Seeing that iv had to go to camp, come home and help mama out and Leila going to the hospital for her foot (I will explain later…) and everything!

But here I am now…

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